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Frolov S. M.,«Advances in detonation research»

Frolov S. M.,«Advances in detonation research» ISBN: 978-5-94588-301-7
Год выпуска: 2022
Число страниц: 80
Автор(ы): Фролов С. М.

Цена:  2 500 руб.

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The booklet includes the extended abstracts of presentations at the 13th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD)organized in St. Petersburg on April 18-21, 2022. The objective of the Colloquium was to prov ide a forum to disseminate to the scientific community the international state-of-the-art and advancements made in experimental and computational fundamental and applied studies relevant to propulsion and stationary power systems of new generation operating on controlled detonation of gaseous, liquid, and solid propellants. The volume is addressed to practicing engineers, research scientists working in the field of combustion and propulsion, and graduate students studying the corresponding disciplines.

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